Welcome to the Graduate Program in Nutrition and Metabolism. In this section you will find important information throughout the course for both incoming and regular students.
The Graduate Section of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School is located at Pedreira de Freitas Street, house 02.
Opening hours from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4 pm.
E-mail: spg@fmrp.usp.br
Check with the Graduate Program Registrar.
Access “Graduate Program” athttps://portalservicos.usp.br/ click on “First Access” and enter your USP Code to generate a password.
The password will be sent to the email informed in the Registration Form at the admission process.
Access https://id.usp.br/ and click on “First access”.
To read and send messages, accesshttp://ww.usp.br ein “Webmail”. After having the “USP” e-mail, request the Program Registrar or the Graduate Section to enter your USP e-mail in the Janus System.
It is very important to register the USP e-mail in the Janus System to receive messages about the course.
Access Janus System under “USP Card – New Request – Save” and then click on “Include/Change Photo” and attach a standard ID-size photo, with a white background and good resolution.
You will be notified via e-mail USP when the card is available in the Graduate Section
To track the order, click on “List Request”.
*USP Digital Card (USP e-card) – Click here
Attention: The USP ticket is not the USP card. It is a ticket for exclusive use on some buses on the USP campus in the city of São Paulo.
Regular students must enroll in the Janus System every six months until the dissertation or thesis is deposited.
There are two types of enrollment: enrollment in disciplines or follow-up enrollment (if you are not going to attend the disciplines).
The semester registration must be made in the months of January and July, according to the calendar informed by the Dean of Graduate Studies through USP e-mail.
Failure to enroll implies dismissal from the graduate course.
Check periodically the “Student File” in the Janus System to check the disciplines taken, number of credits required, deadline for registration in the Qualifying Exam, deadline for the deposit of the work (dissertation/thesis) and the maximum date for defense.
Failure to comply with the deadlines mentioned will result in the student’s dismissal.
In case of missing the deadline for enrollment in a discipline or follow-up enrollment, the student shall complete the form below and deliver it to the CCP – Nutrition and Metabolism office:
To consult the disciplines offered in the semester, access the Janus System, and click on “Disciplines- Consultations-Offerings”. See more in Course Syllabus.
Enrollment Certificate for TRANSERP, for the intercity bus company, and for other purposes; Certificate of Completion and Student File, access “Documents Request” at http://cpg.fmrp.usp.br/
To request the equivalence of a Master’s degree to count credits for the doctorate, accessMaster’s degree equivalence-form
Students have the “Statements” menu on Janus, in which they can issue the following documents with electronic authentication:
- Enrollment Certificate;
- Certificate of Completion;
- Certificate of Enrollment with Disciplines;
- Student File.
Access the Campus Council website, “University Surveillance”. , “Serviço de Guarda Universitária”.
To apply for a badge to access the HCRP, fill out theHC Badge Request form and deliver it to the Department of Graduate Studies in Nutrition and Metabolism. Once approved in a meeting, take the form signed by the program coordinator at the reception of the HCRP to proceed with the badge.
Health Department-UBAS (Basic Health Care Unit), located at Pedreira de Freitas Street, house 14, e-mail ubas.rp@usp.br
To access the university restaurant, it is necessary to request the USP card, while it is not ready, students can request a statement proving the student’s enrollment on the Graduate Central website(http://cpg.fmrp.usp.br/) at “Documents Request”
For more information, as well as a menu, access the website of the USP Campus Council in Ribeirão Preto, click on Services and look for Central Restaurant.
Access the website of the Information Technology Center of Ribeirão Preto (USP) http://cetirp.sti.usp.br/atendimento/vpn/como-se-cadastrar-para-utilizacao-da-vpn/
Students have a “Requests” menu in the Janus system from which they can select specific requests such as:
- Attribution of credits,
- Use of credits,
- Registration suspension,
- Extension of deadline for the deposit,
- Change of advisor,
- Course/Area/Program Transfer,
- Double degree,
- Program Termination,
- New Registration.
The student must complete the Student-Requests Form and deliver it to the CCP – Nutrition and Metabolism office along with the necessary documents (described on page 2 of the Form).
In case of doubts, access http://cpg.fmrp.usp.br/wp-content/uploads/sites/313/2020/09/Tutorial-Requerimento-online-Alunos.pdf
For the Master, Doctorate, and Direct Doctorate courses, participation in qualification boards, dissertations, and theses defenses is required. To do this, take the completed Qualification and Defense Participation Form and ask the board president to sign it.
To find out which defenses will take place, access https://cpg.fmrp.usp.br/alunos/defesas/defesas-agendadas
Note: If you participate in an online examining board, it is not necessary to ask the President of the board to sign the form. Ask your advisor to sign in the field for the President.
Campus Central Library, Central Restaurant, Social Service, Cultural Activities, and Physical Activities (CEFER), access http://www.pcarp.usp.br/.
The PPGNM currently relies on the granting of CAPES-Social Demand scholarships for Master’s and Doctoral Degree or from development agencies such as CNPq and FAPESP, depending on the approval of submissions.
Regarding CAPES social demand grants, they are approved, continued, and/or renewed annually, respecting the rules of the development agency. These scholarships are intended for students who are regularly enrolled in the PPG for a maximum period of 24 months for Master’s and 48 months for Doctorate, and the renewal/continuation of the scholarship by the student is evaluated according to the criteria established by the PPG Coordinating Committee (CCP). We emphasize that scholarship quotas are released and granted to new students when the current scholarship holder defends his/her dissertation and/or thesis, gives up the scholarship, and obtains some employment relationship.
Dear masters and doctoral students,
Please be advised that as of 13/11/2020, the reports must be delivered as directed below. The date for the delivery will be up to 31/08 of each year.
ANNUAL report until completion of the course (12 months after admission):
The reports must contain the activities carried out by the graduate student, reported in a questionnaire that should be accessed through the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1BzbzlnWRsrCGzlCpl-xdDy91fZF1Bykk1KN6j6Gujjc/edit?ts=60099013&gxids=7628 .
The report will be evaluated by an ad hoc consultant defined by the Graduate Coordinating Committee, in anonymity. Depending on the assessment, the student might be invited for clarification to the CCP. In case of failing the report, a new report must be delivered within 30 (thirty) days, counted from the date of publication of the evaluation result by the Program registrar.
Failure to comply with the criteria may lead to the student’s dismissal from the Graduate Program.
Master’s degree
The master’s student must prepare two reports. In the first, the project protocol should be delivered to the CEP, in addition to the arrangements for the project to be in the phase of data collection, depending on the schedule and the supervisor’s assessment. The second will be held at the completion with the delivery of the master’s dissertation.
The doctoral student will have to prepare four reports. In the first, the project protocol should be delivered to the CEP. By the second report, students are expected to have started data collection. In the third report, the student must submit a manuscript in English, according to the rules of the scientific journal to which the manuscript is intended to be sent (declare the name of the journal). The fourth and last report will be delivered at the time of depositing the thesis and proof of submission of a scientific article.
Direct Doctorate
The doctoral student, in this case, will make up to five reports. In the first, the project protocol should be delivered to the CEP. By the third report, students are expected to have started data collection. In the fourth report, the student must submit a manuscript in English, according to the rules of the indexed scientific journal to which the manuscript is intended to be sent (declare the name of the journal). The fifth and last report will be given at the time of depositing the thesis and proof of submission of a scientific article.