Rules for the defense of dissertations and theses

The preparation of dissertations and theses for the Graduate Program in Nutrition and Metabolism at the Ribeirão Preto Medical School – USP (PPGNM – FMRP-USP) must follow the rules described below:


It must be presented according to the “Guidelines for the presentation of dissertations and theses at USP: electronic and printed document. Part I (ABNT)”


It can be structured in the traditional format or a collection of articles, for the master and Ph.D.

Traditional format

It should contain the following items:

External part

 Cover with the author’s name, title of the work, place and date;

 Inside part

Pre-textual elements:

Cover sheet (unit name, author’s name, work title, supervisor’s name, place and date);

Student record;

AAcknowledgment (mandatory to CAPES and development agencies in case of project financing and/or scholarships).

The standard text to be used to thank CAPES, according to Ordinance No. 206, of September 4, 2018, is presented below:

“This study was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – Brazil (CAPES) – Financing Code 001” or “This study was financed in part by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – Brazil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001”.

Suggested text to thank the development agencies and FAEPA:

“This work was carried out with the support of (agency name in full), through the granting of a (Master’s or Doctoral) scholarship and/or Research Project Assistance, process number 00000.”

List of Figures, Illustrations, Equations, and Tables;

Abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English;

List of Figures, Illustrations, Equations, and Tables;


Textual elements:

– Introduction;

– Material and methods;

– Results;

– Discussion;

– Conclusion.

Post-textual elements:

– References;

– Attachments;

– Appendices:

In the appendices, there must be, necessarily, the inclusion of a scientific article related to the main results of the dissertation or thesis, structured according to the standard of a scientific journal indexed in SCOPUS, Web of Science, or SCIELO.

Article collection format

It should contain the following items:

External part

– Cover with the author’s name, title of the work, place, and date;

 Inside part

Pre-textual elements:

Cover sheet (unit name, author’s name, work title, supervisor’s name, place, and date);

Student Record;

Acknowledgment (mandatory to CAPES and development agencies in case of project financing and/or scholarships)

The standard text to be used to thank CAPES, according to Ordinance No. 206, of September 4, 2018, is presented below:

“This study was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – Brazil (CAPES) – Financing Code 001” or “This study was financed in part by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – Brazil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001”.

Suggested text to thank the development agencies and FAEPA:

“This work was carried out with the support of (agency name in full), through the granting of a (Master’s or Doctoral) scholarship and/or Research Project Assistance, process number 00000.”

Summary and keywords in Portuguese and English;

List of Figures, Illustrations, Equations and Tables;


 Textual elements:

Introduction (with literature review);


Detailed Material and Methods;

Results and discussion: minimum of two articles related to the theme and/or main results of the dissertation or thesis, and structured according to the standard of a scientific journal indexed in SCOPUS, Web of Science, or SCIELO.

The graduate student must be the first author of the scientific articles presented in the collection, and the advisor must necessarily be on the list of authors, and preferably the last author.

Important: for published articles, students must request authorization from the journal’s editor if copyright has been transferred. In this case, the student must present the position of the journal. If it is not possible, the article cannot appear in the digital format of the thesis, which goes to the USP library. In this way, the student must place only the citation of the article.

Final considerations (containing an analysis and integration of the results obtained in the scientific papers presented).

Post-textual elements:

References (list all used including those of scientific articles presented);



Additional information

For dissertations or theses whose contents deal with research involving human beings, animals, biosafety, and genetic assets, the respective approval documents obtained from the competent authorities (Ethics Committees or similar) must be presented in the annexes.

Languages allowed for writing and defending the dissertation/thesis

Dissertations and Theses may be written and defended in Portuguese or English. They may also be written in Spanish at the request of the advisor and approval by the CCP. Dissertations and Theses written in the form of a collection of articles may be partially written in Portuguese and English.


The dissertation or thesis deposit will be made by the student or his/her legal representative at the Graduate Service until the end of the office on the last day of the deadline.

It must be accompanied by a letter from the advisor certifying that the mentee is able to defend his work.

At the time of deposit, students who are interested in protecting patents, copyrights, and other rights related to their work may request the Graduate Committee (CPG), upon the consent of the advisor and request with justification, not to provide the full version of the Dissertation or Thesis on the USP Portal. The Dissertation or Thesis will then be kept in a reserved collection for the requested period, which may be up to two years and renewable once for the same period.

For more information about the deposit, access